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Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyah malaysia

“A Nation Cannot be Reformed Without the Reformation of its Youth”

Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad

Friday sermons

Urdu Language

Bahasa Melayu


khilafat a tree of blessings

Ahmadi Muslims are blessed by Allah to have received the gift of Khilafat. Many people know of its importance in our Jama’at; how it is a source of leadership, a source of direction, a source of divine guidance and a source of spiritual solace. But what some don’t know or instead, don’t realise, is the countless benefits which can be attained from it. Allah has opened up so many avenues for Ahmadis to utilise Khilafat, yet whether it be through negligence due to worldly commitments, or simply through lethargy, some of us don’t take advantage of them.

Hoping For World Peace

(Interview with His Holiness by Lat Blaylock, Editor of REtoday Magazine and prominent RE advocate. The interview took place on Monday, 27th February 2023 at Masjid Mubarak in Tilford, Surrey)

His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad is the Fifth Caliph of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community. It was my honour and privilege to interview him early in 2023 at the community’s headquarters in Tilford, near Guildford in Surrey. The interview will be useful for GCSE and examination students learning about Islam and its diversities.

Strengthen your Bond with Khilafat

After Prophethood, Khilafat is the most important institution in Islam. Khulafa are ultimately appointed by God through His Divine guidance. It has been incumbent on every Khadim to keep in touch with Khalifa of the Islam & Imam of the age, who is the flag bearer of the Islam and prophetic traditions. It’s duty of every single Khadim show complete obedience and honor each and every words of wisdom of our beloved Huzoor. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Malaysia has prepared an exclusive section for Khuddam to learn more and keep in touch with our beloved Imam. You can also send your letters to Huzoor through this section.

Useful links

Al Islam

The official website of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Al Islam MY

Official website of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Malaysia

MTA International

Muslim Television Ahmadiyya – official TV and live streaming channel of the community

Atfal MY

Majlis Atfal-ul Ahmadiyah Malaysia

The Review of Religions, in print since 1902, is one of the longest-running comparative religious magazines.

Al Hakam was the first newspaper and organ of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at. It was originally launched in 1897 by a companion of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi (as). The companion, Hazrat Sheikh Yaqub Ali Irfani (ra), who lived in Amritsar, worked as a qualified and practising journalist.

Official website of Press and Media Office of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Ask Islam is a project of the international Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to educate the world about the religion of Islam. This site contains answers to common questions asked about the religion. The answers are taken from actual recordings of question-and-answer sessions conducted around the world. Currently, all of the answers on this web site feature answers provided by a former Caliph of the community, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad.

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