Huzoor (atba)

Write Letter to Hazoor (ATBA)

Department of Tarbiyat is providing a facility for our Khuddam brothers to more easily write a letter. Simply write your letter and attach a pdf of it on this form and we will fax your letter to Markaz. Insha’Allah

You can also fax your letter directly to Huzoor ATBA.
Contact information for Huzoor Anwar ATBA:

Islamabad – Sheephatch Lane, Tilford GU10 2AQ, U.K
The London Mosque – 16 Greesenhall Road, London SW18 5QL, U.K
Fax: +44 (203) 988 3922 OR +44 (208) 870 5234

Department of Tarbiyat MKAM

Latest episode of This Week with Hazoor ATBA

Watch the latest episode of This Week Hazoor ATBA from here. Episode is released every week on Saturday. We get to know how Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V ATBA spends his week. We also get to watch the Mulaqats and Meetings in which Huzoor ATBA participated in.

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