
departments within MKA Malaysia


Aitmaad is a central administrative department which operates under the National Motamid (General Secretary for Majlis Khuddam-Ul-Ahmadiyya). The Aitmaad department assists the National Motamid with his responsibilities.

The department manages all correspondence of the Majlis, under the instruction of Sadr Majlis. Another essential responsibility of the Aitmaad department is to manage the internal reporting system of the Majlis, this includes obtaining data from all branches of the Majlis (National, Regional and Local). This data is then collated and compiled in a report which is presented to Huzoor-e-Aqdas. The department is further responsible for arranging and delivering National Amila meetings which are held regularly throughout the Khuddam year.


The purpose of the Amoor-e-Tuluba (student affairs) department is to raise the religious, moral and educational standard of Ahmadi students, especially those in colleges and universities. The department ought to safeguard the students from the present materialistic atmosphere and to direct them to adhere to Islamic spirit and customs.


The Isha’at Department (Publications) is in-charge of dissemination of information on activities of Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya to members and the general public. The department manages all publications of MKA.



Nau Mubain


The second Khalifa to the Promised Messiah (AS) and founder of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (RA) once said:

“…Sinning is also caused by habits of laziness and lack of organised hours of daily life. A person tends to take things easy. He is carefree. He has no inclination to work. when the time comes, he tends to make light of what he has to do. Time passes and he suddenly finds himself drinking. Once a sincere companion of the Holy Prophet (on him be peace and blessings) was all but ready to go to the battlefield but he made no preparation for it. He had persuaded himself that when the time came he would be able to join the party with ease. He continued to leave his preparations to the end. The result was he was left behind and could not join the army. Laziness, therefore, is often the cause of sin. Man is lazy and easy-going and is incapable of commanding himself to get up and go.” (extract from Way of the Seeker, originally from Jalsa Salana Qadian 1925)

It is no wonder then, that when Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (RA) formulated the constitution of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, a department dedicated to eradicating unemployment and idleness among young Ahmadi men was provided for. Even in the current age where some youngsters in society are deemed as becoming more lazy and materialistic than the generation that preceded them, due to a culture that breeds self-entitlement, the role that is performed by the Department for Sanat-o-Tijarat has never been more vital. 



“Make it a point that Khuddam should play some outdoor games and not just waste their time wandering the streets or just playing indoor games on the TV or online. They should play outside physical games, be it football, rugby, cricket, badminton, table tennis or other games. It should not be that they just waste their time on TV and video games.” – Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba), Virtual Mulaqat with MKA Mauritius








The Department of Dignity of Labour (Waqar-e-Amal) was established by Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) as one of the core departments at the time of establishment of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya.

When speaking specifically to the establishment of the Department of Waqar-e-Amal, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) mentioned two key benefits that will be achieved by Khuddam involvement in Waqar-e-Amal:

  • It will help alleviate laziness amongst youth
  • It will help keep astray a ‘Slavery’ or ‘Dependency’ mindset amongst the youth

The example set by Prophet Muhammad (sa) has established the dignity of labour beyond any doubt.

When the Prophet’s mosque at Medina was being built, the Holy Prophet (sa) participated fully in every work. He carried the stones, mixed the mortar, built the walls. In journeys, the Holy Prophet insisted to share in all the works involved in camping: He pitched the tent, picked wood for fire, carried water etc. In short, he never considered any work as beneath his dignity.

The types of events and activities that Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya supports through Waqar-e-Amal includes, but is not limited to:

  • Jalsa Salana
  • National Ijtema
  • Weddings
  • Formal Dinners
  • Graveyard maintenance
  • Street Cleaning
  • Property management
  • Mosque beautification
  • Event set-up, operation, and wind-up
  • DIY Education
Examples of Waqar-e-Amal through Islamic History

The Practise of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (sa)
Hazrat Aisha (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) would ‘patch his garments and sole his sandals’. Once she was asked, ‘how was he with his family?’ She responded, ‘He was in the service of his family until it was time for prayer, at which time he would go and pray.’ (Bukhari and Muslim)

Hazrat Abu Said Al Khudri narrates that the Prophet of Allah (sa) would feed his camel himself, would work on house chores, could mend his own shoes and clothes, could milk the goat and help his Khadim if needed and did not feel any dishonour in doing work with his own hands.

Once, during the course of a journey, when the Prophets party arrived at their camping place, his companions immediately involved themselves with their respective tasks in setting up camp for the night.  The Holy Prophet (sa) said, “you have allocated no task to me. I shall go and collect the wood for cooking.” “O Messenger of Allah, why should you occupy yourself in that way when all of us are here to do whatever may be necessary?” He said “No, No. It is my duty to do my share of whatever may have to be done,” and he collected firewood from the jungle for cooking the food.

Other narrations tell us that he never liked to sit as an idle while his other companions were busy in service of mankind.

The conduct of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra)
After Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) became the caliph he used to visit this old blind lady on a daily basis, and he would clean her house. The Old lady was unaware of who he was, when she found out from others that he is the caliph of time she was amazed. This was the conduct of Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra).

The Khadim of Masjid Nabawi
Another famous incident of Khadim Masjid who use to cleanse the mosque of the Prophet Masjid Nabawi. One day this person passed away and the Holy Prophet (sa) didn’t see that person anymore so he inquired from his companions of this person. He was informed that this person had passed away and they burial has taken place. The Holy Prophet (sa) inquired from the companions that why was he not informed of this. He then immediately got up and went to the grave accompanied by his companions where he prayed for this person. This shows how the Holy Prophet (sa) regarded these humble efforts of this person who just used to clean the mosque.

Incident of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra)
Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) once received a letter from a poor farmer from one of the villages in India who had accepted Ahmadiyyat recently. He wrote his letter expressing his feelings that since he has accepted Ahmadiyyat no one from his village is assisting him in labour work in his farm and he is in great difficulty as it was the season of harvest. Hazoor mentions that this farmer was worried how he will save the crops and complete the harvest by himself. Hazoor then wrote letters to the neighbouring jamaat and instructed them to send Khuddam members to assist this farmer with harvesting the crop and conduct Waqar-e-Amal. It is mentioned many jamaat members came in their beautiful luxury cars, bikes, and cycles and all those people had great professional backgrounds (Doctors, lawyers, engineers, and people of a high status). They all got changed and made their way into the farm filed to assist the farmer, this whole incident was been observed by the local villagers which left a great impression on those villagers.

Jalsa Salana Qadian
Another Incident of Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (ra). From Jalsa Salana in Qadian. On the first day of the Jalsa when Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) came on the stage he did not like the arrangement that was made; he saw that the stage was small, and everyone is sitting so close with great difficulty. When Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (ra) saw the expression on the face of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra), it was clear he was not happy with the arrangements. It is mentioned that on the same night when the first day proceedings came to an end, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (ra), along with other Khuddam, worked all night to first demolish and then reconstruct the stage. The new stage was wider so that everyone could sit with ease. Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (ra) mentioned that ‘when we finished our Waqar-e-Amal, the call for Fajr Salat was being made (Azan) and soon after Hazrat Musleh Maud came for the salat (Namaz). When he came on to the stage, I could see a smile on his face’.

Butul Hamd, Rabwah, Pakistan
Every year an application is submitted to the government officials for the permission to conduct the Jalsa Salana and other annual conventions at this place. One year, miraculously, the permission was granted to conduct the Khuddam Ijtema. Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya knew if they were to conduct the Ijtema on this open land there will be wider public on site who will observe everything and may also create mischief. On the same night of the permission being granted many Khuddam went to the site and worked all night to raise a boundary wall around the site. The following day when the authorities came to inspect the site they were astonished and could not believe what was achieved over night. Jamaat was then able to secure the land and was able to conduct the Ijtema.

Incident of Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (ra)
He mentioned that after one of the early days of Jalsa Salana UK he had received a letter from a member of parliament (MP) who has happen to attend the Jalsa Salana, he wrote a long detailed letter to express his joy and astonishment, that he has seen our youth working hard and tirelessly in every field. The MP mentioned that he had gone around the Jalsa site observed and spoken to many people amongst which were people with great professions and high status working with great humility. From this letter Hazoor had expressed his joy and praised Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya on sending such a great message to the wider public.


*Content on this page has been extracted from MKA UK website.
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